quantumrock Expands Its Group’s Presence in MENA Region with Establishment of New Subsidiary


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Dubai, UAE, 15.02.2024 (PresseBox) – quantumrock, the pioneering financial company that has revolutionized the investment landscape by introducing gemstones as a viable asset class, is thrilled to announce its strategic expansion into the MENA region with the establishment of Quantumrock FZCO in Dubai.

quantumrock has been at the forefront of transforming traditional investment paradigms, offering unique, asset-backed, and short-term investment products focusing on gemstones. The company’s robust, Luxembourg-law compliant investment platform has garnered significant attention since the launch of its first product, Rough Gemstone I, in September 2023. Following this inaugural first product’s overwhelmingly positive market reception, Rough Gemstone II is in the pipeline for the first quarter of 2024.

This strategic expansion marks a significant milestone in the firms journey to revolutionize the global investment landscape. By venturing into the dynamic economic environment of the MENA region, quantumrock aims to capitalize on the region’s robust investment appetite and foster innovation in investment portfolios.

Gemstones represent an untapped investment avenue, characterized by scarcity, a compelling degree of resilience to inflation, and a historical track record of stable returns. quantumrock aims to leverage these unique qualities to establish gemstones as a premier asset class globally. The company’s innovative approach has already captivated the market, with its debut gemstone investment structure boasting a volume of USD 175 million and plans for the second launch targeting a volume of USD 350 million. quantumrock’s products enable investors to participate in the compelling value generation resulting from the transformation of rough gemstones into polished treasures.

"We are excited to announce our expansion into the MENA region with the establishment of Quantumrock FZCO in Dubai," said Stefan Tittel, Founder and CEO at quantumrock. “This move underscores our commitment to innovating and enhancing investment portfolios worldwide. We believe that the MENA region presents immense opportunities for growth and are eager to bring our unique gemstone investment products to investors in this vibrant market.”

quantumrock’s newly established asset class demands a home that matches its scalability and amplifies its potential. It finds its perfect match in the UAE/GCC, a pairing that promises not only growth but a transformative impact on the global financial landscape. quantumrock is actively working to scale the gemstone asset class, with a target of reaching USD 1 billion in assets under management by the end of 2024. The company aims to deploy up to USD 5 billion of gemstones, committed by seed investors, through their gemstone products in the near term, demonstrating its dedication to establishing gemstones as a viable new asset class.

For more information about Quantumrock and its innovative investment products, please visit www.quantumrock-rgs.com.

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