Optimism for the gold price


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Herisau, 17.11.2023 (PresseBox) – Many expect the gold price to move sideways in the coming months.

The situation in the Middle East is still uncertain. But if there is an economic slump in the USA, inflation continues to trend downwards and interest rates fall, the price of the precious metal should rise. Short-term setbacks in the price are always entry opportunities. In the long term, analysts are usually positive about gold. In the US, the producer price index data for October was modest, falling by 0.5% compared to September. The US Federal Reserve is not expected to announce any more interest rate hikes in the coming months. British inflation data, for example, has also improved. Consumer prices were calculated to have risen by 4.6 percent in October. In September, these had still risen by 6.7 percent. An end to interest rate hikes is now also expected here in the UK. And an end to interest rate hikes, or better still interest rate cuts, is good for a rising gold price.

As gold does not yield interest or dividends, developments on the bond market are a significant influencing factor. The real interest rate (nominal interest rate minus inflation) is relevant here. Chart technicians see an intact upward trend in the gold price. While the price has not moved much since mid-2020, many analysts believe it is only a matter of time before the price breaks out significantly above USD 2,000 per ounce. Gold could therefore soon leave the record high of USD 2,072 behind. Investors should therefore position themselves in good time, for example with the stocks of well-positioned gold companies such as U.S. GoldMining or Calibre Mining.

U.S. GoldMininghttps://www.commodity-tv.com/ondemand/companies/profil/us-goldmining-inc/ – is currently expanding its promising Whistler gold-copper project in Alaska.

Together with Marathon Gold, Calibre Mininghttps://www.commodity-tv.com/ondemand/companies/profil/calibre-mining-corp/ – will become a medium-sized, high-growth gold producer. The focus is on North and South America.

Current company information and press releases from U.S. GoldMining (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/us-goldmining-inc/ -) and Calibre Mining (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/calibre-mining-corp/ ).

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