Commodity super-cycle: Copper junior with gold and silver kicker chomping at the bits!


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Hamburg, 24.06.2024 (PresseBox) – Only recently, global asset manager Sprott explained that a new "super cycle" is beginning to form in the copper market. This is based on several geopolitical and market trends, which would lead to a "strongly bullish" outlook for the copper price. This is also in line with our observations. Which is why we are once again looking at an, in our opinion, extremely promising copper company for our readers today.

Prismo Metals (WKN A2QEGD / CSE PRIZ) appears to be in an excellent position to benefit threefold from the emerging commodity supercycle.

If the drills start turning on the company’s gold project soon and the drilling permit for the copper property arrives in the near future as expected, then this could be a really hot summer for Prismo!

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Commodity super-cycle: Copper junior with gold and silver kicker chomping at the bits!

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According to §34b WpHG and § 48f Abs. 5 BörseG (Austria) we would like to point out that GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH and/or partners, clients or employees of GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH hold shares in Prismo Metals and therefore a conflict of interest exists. GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH also reserves the right to buy or sell shares in the company at any time. In addition, there is a contractual relationship between Prismo Metals and GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH, which involves GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH reporting on Prismo Metals. This is another clear conflict of interest.

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